At the age of 16, a young Luigi Novello, or Louie as his friends know him, began working at a restaurant called Tesoro in Westbury. He would eventually work his way up to the position of head chef, but Louie knew he wanted more. In 1988, he threw his first lobster trap in the Long Island Sound and a lifelong passion for seafood was born. In 1993, he left his cushy position at Tesoro to become a commercial lobsterman. Luigi Novello has been supplying Long Island and New York residents with the freshest and finest seafood from around the world since 1999 with the formation of Jewel of the Sea, named after his daughter Julianna. In 2010, Jewel of the Sea moved from Roslyn Heights to it's present location in Woodbury, NY. Two years later, he purchased the storefront next door and opened a market, Victoria’s Market, named after his other daughter. And thus a family legacy was born!